Вечер Хвалы и Поклонения
Церковь "Слово Истины" 59 Agios Athanasios Avenue, Limassol, Limassol, CyprusЦерковь "Слово Истины" в Лимасоле приглашает на Вечер Хвалы и Поклонения
Церковь "Слово Истины" в Лимасоле приглашает на Вечер Хвалы и Поклонения
Come ready for a night of fellowship, fun, and empowerment! Don’t miss it! Tell your friends to tell their friends, it’s gonna be Amazing
PENSA Cyprus will minister in the Church of Pentecost You are invited on February 23 from 10:00 to 12:00
First Young Adults Worship Night in Larnaca by @worshipincyprus Team
Youth for Christ Cyprus is inviting for the Island Wide Youth Event